OS X: Run any command in a sandbox

published on in category OS X , Tags: OS X Security

Beside the pre-configured profiles, OS X’s sandbox wrapper command sandbox-exec provides a flexible configuration syntax that allows one to create a customized sandbox that either blacklists or whitelists specific abilities of the application executed within.

Sandbox profile

A sandbox profile defines what a application running inside the sandbox should be able to do. The following example profile no-network.sb allows anything except any kind of network access. This might be useful if you want a application to keep your data private instead of sending it home:

(version 1)
(allow default)
(deny network*)

Replacing allow by deny would deny anything except networking. It’s that easy.

Other abilities include file-read, signal, ipc-posix-shm, process, mach-lookup etc. Some need additional parameters like file- or folder names.

The following link provides additional examples of sandbox profiles:

Running a command sandboxed

You can run any CLI or desktop application by executing it’s Mach-O binary file through sandbox-exec. The following command runs VLC player without network access:

sandbox-exec -f no-network.sb /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC

Please note that while the sandbox mechanism is good enough for almost any use case, it still does not provide perfect security, described e.g. here: http://www.coresecurity.com/content/apple-osx-sandbox-bypass